

A black PlayStation Vita


  1. In the main menu tap the “Settings” bubble and “Start” to access the “Settings” menu.
  2. Use your finger to scroll down the menu and tap “Security.”
  3. Tap “Parental Controls.” This menu provides the ability to set controls for “Games,” “Play Duration,” purchases from the PlayStation Store, “Browser” and “Location Data.” You will be prompted to create a password in order to access and adjust these settings.
  4. Select “Games” to block games by ESRB rating. A number system indicates the level of restriction – the lower the number, the tighter the restrictions. Each number corresponds with an ESRB rating category. Setting restriction at one of these numbers will prevent games rated above that level from being played on the system:
    • – E (Everyone 6+)
    • – E10+ (Everyone 10+)
    • – T (Teen 13+)
    • – M (Mature 17+)
    • 10 – AO (Adults Only 18+)
  5. Select “Play Duration” to set the amount of time a child can play each day.
  6. Select “Features” then “PlayStation” for the option to disable use of the PlayStation Store.
  7. Select “Browser” to permit (“Allow”) or restrict (“Do Not Allow”) access to web browsing.
  8. Select “Location Data” to permit (“Allow”) or restrict (“Do Not Allow”) access to the user’s location.

Tips about PlayStation® Network:

  • The default settings block content based on registered user age and restrict chat with other players.
  • The account holder will always receive an email whenever a purchase is made via the PlayStation Store.

For more on the PS Vita system and PlayStation Network, visit: www.us.playstation.com/support

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