
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor

Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
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Xbox 360
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
In this action game, set during an apocalyptic future, players assume the role of a war veteran tasked with regaining U.S. territory from hostile forces. Players pilot a “vertical tank”—armed with machine guns and explosive rounds—as they attempt to complete mission objectives and battle enemy soldiers. Combat sequences are executed from a first-person perspective; realistic gunfire and frantic screaming can be heard throughout. Wounded enemies emit blood splashes, and some soldiers are depicted close-up with dismembered limbs. The game contains several depictions of blood and gore—characters getting decapitate, bodies severed in half; a couple of sequences require players to cut off a corpse's limb or hold a soldier's intestines in place. Cutscenes contain more intense violence: a man using a pistol to commit suicide; a man's family getting executed in front of him. Soldiers' conversations occasionally reference sexual material (e.g., “[I]'m gonna be up to my ears in p*ssy, man,” “I think that moaning is giving me a hard-*n down here,” “Is Sarge pitching a tent?”). Language such as “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “a*shole” can be heard in the dialogue.

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