
Nuclear Dawn

Viva Media LLC
amazon.com bestbuy.com gamestop.com target.com walmart.com gamefly.com
Macintosh, Windows PC
Blood, Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is a first-person shooter in which players strategize against opposing factions in a futuristic world. As they complete team-based missions, players use machine guns, shotguns, lasers, flamethrowers, and bladed weapons to attack and kill enemy soldiers. Battles are highlighted by realistic gunfire, large explosions, and screams of pain as enemies collapse to the ground. Characters emit spurts of blood when shot or stabbed, and blood-splatter effects sometimes stain the surrounding environment (e.g., walls, floors); in one building location, players can pass by a pile of bloodstained corpses.

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