
Pirates of Black Cove

Paradox Interactive
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Windows PC
Drug and Alcohol Reference, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Themes, Mild Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is a strategy role-playing game in which players assume the role of a pirate who must conquer rival factions in 16th- to 18th-century Europe. From a top-down perspective, players use swords, muskets, and cannon balls to defeat other pirates and enemy soldiers. These land and sea battles are accompanied by gunfire, sword-clanging sounds, and explosions; enemies cry out when hit and collapse to the ground when killed. In battle, players can use bottles of grog to restore characters' health; a variety of sequences contain other references to alcohol (e.g., “I'm laughing so hard I nearly spilled me rum,” “The ramblings of drunken sailors . . .” and “Where do pirates drink their beer?”). In one scene, a couple of characters allude to marijuana plants: “I trap here, mon. Got too much bad weed”/“Heh, I thought you meant the other kind of weed.” During the course of the game, players can uncover hidden jokes—some of which contain questions/answers that are sexual in nature (e.g., Q: “How does a pirate greet a prostitute?” Q: “What's a horny pirate's worst nightmare?” A: “A sunken chest with no booty,” Q: “How does a pirate tell his wench he wants to have sex?”). The words “a*s” and “bastard” appear in the dialogue.

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