
Sniper Ghost Warrior

CI Games S.A.
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PlayStation 3
Blood, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary

This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a military sniper involved in covert operations on the jungle island of Isla Trueno. Players use sniper rifles, assault weapons, pistols, grenades, and throwing knives to kill rebel soldiers and eliminate specific targets. Battles are highlighted by cries of pain, realistic gunfire, and large explosions; brief sprays of blood are depicted when enemies are shot or stabbed. Players are also rewarded for performing headshots, which are depicted in slow-motion animations that end in larger splashes of blood. In one mission, the main objective is to find and mark plantations of cocaine for destruction. The words "sh*t," "f**k," and "a*shole" can be heard in the dialogue.

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