
Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition

Focus Home Interactive
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Windows PC
Blood, Drug Reference, Suggestive Themes, Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary

This is a sports-strategy game in which players compete in a fantastical version of football on a field with trolls, elves, dwarves, and goblins. From a top-down perspective, players take turns rolling dice to move down the field and score touchdowns using a variety of unconventional tactics: using an ogre to punch and kick opposing players, throwing bombs at the opposition, knocking opponents into a hostile crowd. Some of these acts are accompanied by blood-splatter effects; small pools of blood may linger on the field after injuries. Cheerleaders and female players are dressed in short skirts and tight-fitting tops that expose large amounts of cleavage; these characters occasionally taunt opponents by shaking and slapping their posterior. The game sometimes alludes to characters' drug use: players can purchase a potion that "encourage[s] the ref to test an opposition player for use of performance enhancing substances," and commentary during one match mentions that "the cost of doping and bribery [is] on the rise."

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