
James Bond 007: Blood Stone

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Nintendo DS
Simulated Gambling, Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary

Players assume the role of James Bond (aka, 007) as he tracks down the source of a biological weapons threat in this third-person shooter. Players use pistols, machine guns, and rocket launchers to eliminate human enemies and infiltrate enemy bases—mostly run-and-gun, cover-based action. Players can also engage in "melee-style" combat, which depicts "canned events" (triggered animations) of close-quarter and hand-to-hand fighting. The gun battles are not especially frenetic, as gameplay consists mainly of stealth movement, avoiding detection—though realistic gunfire and cries of pain are occasionally heard. The game includes a sequence that takes place in a casino, where 007 must outwit a foe at poker; players are able to bet virtual money on their card hands.

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