
Snoopy Flying Ace

Smart Bomb Interactive
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Xbox 360
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary

In the romantic, idealized World War I-setting of Snoopy's imagination, he is a flying ace escorting allies to safety, engaging in air races, battling enemy zeppelins—using sub-machine gun turrets to destroy everything in sight. This flight-combat game features characters from Charles Shultz's Peanuts comic strip. But while the Peanuts characters may appear cute and harmless in the main hub of the Officer's Club, the action that takes place in the skies can be intense, the sound effects unsettling: the frenetic aerial combat includes a first-person perspective with targeting crosshairs; frequent artillery-shell discharge, rapid-fire, metallic gunfire; and loud explosions as planes burst apart, then plummet to the ground in a trail of black smoke. At the same time, the game depicts bright, colorful environments; overtly "cartoony" characters; a cartoon missile piloted by birds; and parachutes that safely lower pilots out of harm's way (i.e., Nobody gets hurt in these dogfights, though an Achievement screen stating "Complete any mode with 20+ kills and no deaths" gives one pause). This game receives an E-10+ with a straight Violence descriptor—the high-end of the E-10+ rating category.

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