

Aspyr Media, Inc.
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Windows PC
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary

This is a first-person shooter in which players control an American soldier who battles soldiers, zombies, and robots in an alternate World War I landscape. Players frequently kill enemies with gunfire or engage in "melee-style" hand-to-hand combat. Some of the more intense scenes of violence include cutting throats with bayonets, impaling bodies with shovels, and shooting off heads and limbs. Combat is frenetic and blood splashes appear when enemies are hit. Players have the ability to earn "combo points" for headshots and inflict post-mortem damage on enemies, resulting in blood splashes and flailing bodies (i.e., ragdoll physics). Some profanity (e.g., "sh*t," and "g*ddamn") can be heard in the dialogue.

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